Welcome to Rasayu Cancer Clinic
Rasayu Cancer Clinic is a unique venture which offers comprehensive solutions to unmet needs of cancer patients. It is an unconventional cancer clinic that treats patients with personalised therapies. It is a centre which provides Ayurveda based therapies to cancer patients with modern scientific evidence in addition to Ayurvedic assessment criteria.
Ayurveda advocated a set of unique fundamentals about concept of health, pathogenesis of disease and manufacturing of highly potent and effective pharmaceuticals. These fundamentals have potential to bring a revolutionary change in the world of medical science. We have performed series of in-vivo, in-vitro and clinical studies on fundamentals and pharmaceuticals of Ayurveda. Based on the findings of these studies we have developed a comprehensive treatment protocols for management of cancer patients.
This cancer patient management protocol of Rasayu Cancer Clinic is found to be of immense help to thousands of patients at all stages of cancer. Cancer patients across the globe have been treated successfully using this treatment protocol for their respective objectives.