Personalized Approach
Today it has been realized that the contemporary medical science is treating all types of cancers with the same approach. It is now understood that cancer of each patient is different though it is known by the same name like ovarian cancer, breast cancer etc. Since every patient’s cancer is different it also needs a very personalized approach.
Although recent developments in the medical field have come to realize that there cannot be one particular medicine to treat all patients of a particular disease. It is mainly because each individual has a different constitution and their response to medicines depends on the smallest constituent i.e. DNA from the gene.
Modern Medicine is currently spending immense resources to determine the DNA of an individual patient and this information will be used for initiating a preventive measure against the development of a disease or a condition, or will help to select the most appropriate therapy for a disease or condition that is particularly suited to that patient.
Such efforts are called “Personalised Medicine Approach”
Personalised medicine (PM) is a medical model that proposes the customization of healthcare with medical decisions, practices, and/or products being tailored to the individual patient. In this model, diagnostic testing is often employed for selecting appropriate and optimal therapies based on the context of a patient’s genetic content or other molecular or cellular analysis. However, attention should be drawn to Indian system of medicine which classifies patients as per their constitution or biological makeup. Other factors considered are affected tissues/organ/system, nature of patient, place of resident, time, age, sex, physical strength, causative factors, symptoms, impact of disease on body, associated comorbidities like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease etc. of the patient. The system then derives the medicine based on the combined effect of above factors. This information is used at its best for prevention and mitigation of the disease. Ayurveda has thus given more emphasis on Epigenetics than Genetics.
We believe that one of the main reasons behind our success lies in this personalized approach. Each patient in Rasayu Cancer Clinic undergoes a thorough case study which helps us understand the patient and his disease. His treatment plan is then decided which is specially designed for him. This helps in giving the patient relief from his symptoms rapidly and also helps in getting tumor response leading to overall quality of life with maximum survival.