It is very important to understand the function of minerals and how they work in the body. Minerals are catalysts which activate enzymes. Modern science is always curious about understanding of how minerals function in human body, but with the advent of Nano technology, minerals in Nano form are under active scrutiny.
It is now well known that, properties of materials changes when the particle size changes from Micro to Nano. It is discovered that their chemical and physical properties vary as a function of particle size. The changes are due to the closeness of the Nano dimensions with the basic atomic structure of the materials. It is as if the atoms get exposed on the surface of the Nano Particles. An example of gold can be sighted wherein gold in metallic form or dust in micro millimetre size is golden in color while gold Nano Particles are of Purple / Pink in colour.
It has now been established that these variations may make a difference in important metabolic reactions and kinetics. This recognition is broadening and enriching our view of how Nano minerals could influence humanity. Recently Nano materials have gained importance in treating cancer patients. Nano Medicines are highly potent and efficacious and moreover are highly safe as compared to conventional cancer therapies.
Today researchers have identified that Nano gold has a great role to play in treating malignancies. Gold nano particles is now emerging as promising agents for cancer therapy and are being investigated as drug carriers, photo thermal agents, contrast agents and radiosensitisers. Similarly, recent studies have demonstrated that Zinc nano minerals hold huge potential in treating cancer patients. Zinc Nano particles demonstrate selective toxicity against cancer cells. Similarly, copper nano particles also have selective cyto-toxic action. It is also observed that these Nano metal complexes also play an important role in creating a natural homeostasis in the body.
It is now proved that Ayurvedic medicines of mineral origin contains nano particles which are made bio-compatible using a unique biological process. These biologically derived Nano complexes have great therapeutic application and are highly efficacious, fast acting and moreover very safe. Chemically derived or any other process derived nano materials and nano material derived with ayurvedic processes are found to be different in their characterisation.