CMD's Address

Chairman & Managing Director
Rasayu Group
Dr. Yogesh Bendale
Rasayu does not treat cancer; we thoroughly analyse and diagnose a patient on the basis of independent Ayurveda fundamentals and parameters.
We firmly believe that cancer patients can be handled successfully and achieve the increased life span with the same earlier zestful quality of life. We thoroughly examine causative factors lifestyle of the patient, earlier or current prevalence of other known diseases, family history, quality of tissue (dhatu sarata). Psychology of patients (satva parikshan) is also one of the important aspects that is considered.
Increase in the life span of cancer patients can be achieved successfully by early diagnosis and surgical measures. Complexity of cancer process lies in its multiple and unknown pathways. Ayurved believes in multi-dimensional pathogenesis and also addressing the same by the holistic approach instead of focussing on single line ideology.
Critical clinical and scientific analysis of patients on first visit helps in prediction and thus prevention of metastasis to achieve happy and healthy life. Our greatest accomplishment of treatment of cancer patients lies in Rasayan Therapy (a novel drug delivery), Oja raskhan principle (cell cycle rhythm management) by immuno therapeutics which are administered orally and safely at home which makes it most affordable by all means..
CARE COMFORT CONFIDENCE is our motto while addressing cancer patients. Care is taken to the distraught cancer patient. Comfort is provided to the patient so that they could cope up with the disease. The will to survive and overcome the disease is the greatest confidence a patient can expect at this juncture and we are committed to give it
Personalized Rasayana treatment approach is the backbone of our treatment protocol. Every patient is examined in great detail. The treatment approach depends on the constitution of the patient, the type of the disease and the stage of the disease. Depending on the circumstances Rasayu offers and explains the objectives and approach and facilitates the decision-making process.
Success at Rasayu Cancer Clinic lies in our innovative approach in managing patient’s healthy cells, tissues, organs and systems of the body keeping mental and physical immunity in focus along with; balancing the dynamic equilibrium of the body.
Dr. Yogesh Bendale