We sometimes wonder if we could get cancer by eating carcinogenic pesticides. Today the focus of agriculture research is to grow the crop faster and to grow more in less land. Due to this new crops are developed with hybrid methods or are even genetically modified. These crops are fast growing but at the same time such crops set up the foundation for growth of cancerous cells which are fast growing and uncontrollable.
Several research studies have proven the relation of diet and cancer. It is now believed that improper diet plays a very important role in causing cancer. Studies suggest an increasing connection of diet with cancers such as Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma, Prostate Cancer, Kidney Cancer and Lung Cancer. Studies of pesticides in early childhood suggest a possible connection of cancer with Leukaemia, Brain Tumors and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.
Diet also plays a very important role in Treatment of Cancer :
It is now proven that maintaining proper nutrition significantly improves treatment outcomes in cancer patients. Proper Nutrition also helps improve tolerability to chemotherapeutic drugs. At the same time proper nutrition does not mean loading the body with calorie rich food. Over nutrition or improper nutrition can, in fact, worsen patient’s condition.
Ayurveda has a very holistic view in prescribing diet to cancer patients. Every human body is unique in its structure and constitution. Its needs requirements and inclinations vary. This also reflects in their physiology and likes and dislikes about food and tastes. Therefore, Ayurveda takes into account the digestive capacity as well as metabolic activity up to cellular levels when a diet plan needs to be devised.
Agni in Ayurveda
There is a concept called Agni in Ayurveda. Agni literally means fire, but in case of digestion it could be considered the digestive capacity. A good agni is that which can digest any food without causing any imbalance in the body physiology. Hyperacidity, a common symptom, is a result of weakened agni. The intestine is the seat of the agni and it needs to be nurtured and maintained.
Any ill effects on the agni reflects on the entire physiological processes of the body. Regulation of body temperature is also controlled by agni. Bad digestion often makes a person feel cold and prefers to stay indoors. It also has a potential to cause diseases like cancer.
The focus of the treatment therefore is on the digestive capacity of the person which definitely is compromised. No disease can ever occur without a bad digestion. Bad digestion leads to skewed nourishment which in turn can be a cause to abnormal growth of cancer cells.
Dhatu Agni is considered the digestive capacity at the celluar level. Dhatu Agni decides the nourishment and the development of the tissue. Weakened Dhatu Agni adversely affects the nourishment and subsequent development of the tissue cells. This has the potential to create undifferentiated growth of cells to cause cancer.

The Dietary Plan is devised based on a set of principles.
This is by far the most important aspect of the entire human body. Unlike other animals, humans tend to eat or over eat out of temptation which other animals rarely do. Human intelligence fails to comprehend the resultant impact of over eating or wrong eating. Food should be easily digested and assimilated by the system.
Sumptuous food is a major requisite of the food. It must be nourishing and satiating. Food influences the state of mind which also needs to be understood.
There are certain cancer types where irritant foods or spicy food goes against the welfare of the patient. We devise plans keeping in mind the cancer type so that the food becomes an instrument of the treatment itself.
The food, air and water are the only 3 substances that enter the body from the world outside. Therefore, food is considered as a form of divinity. When conscious mind connects to food and consumes it with all faith that it is meant for its welfare, and not just to fill up the void within, the attitude towards food consumption changes.
The finer pointers to good food is that it needs to meet the taste of the individual. Food should necessarily be tasty without which it will not be accepted by the system. The dietary plan provides options as to what kind of dressing the food would have to become palatable.
Patients come from various geographical locations. They also come with a staple diet which has been inherent to their land of origin. Dietary plan needs to encompass this aspect since it has a lot of relevance to the patient.
The food timings are as important as the quality of food consumed. The patient needs to be trained to have food at the proper time. A disciplined approach to timing of food consumption goes a long way to heal the patient physically and emotionally.
Given the circumstances of the patient’s environment and limitations to availability, alternative options also need to be presented to patient as the next best. The guilt of not been able to procure the specified food often becomes troublesome to the patients.
Keeping these aspects in mind, Rasayu Cancer Clinic devises a dietary strategy for every patient keeping in mind the person’s individual needs.
Recipes provided to the patient have often become a rage among the patients and their families.