Chemotherapy can cause Cancer
(An article from Science Translational Journal)
Chemotherapy could allow cancer to spread, and trigger more aggressive tumours, a new study suggests. Researchers studied the impact of drugs on patients with breast cancer and found that medication increases the chance of cancer cells migrating to other parts of the body, where they are almost always lethal.
Chemotherapy is advised prior to surgery to shrink the tumours for a more convenient surgery. However, it could cause the spread of cancer cells around the body. It is thought the toxic medication switches on a repair mechanism in the body which ultimately allows tumours to grow back stronger.
It also increases the number of ‘doorways’ on blood vessels which allow cancer to spread throughout the body. New doorways that were created increased on receiving two common chemotherapy drugs. Experiments on mice showed that chemotherapy increased the number of cancer cells circulating in the body and in the lungs.
In such cases they would plan a surgery before further chemotherapy treatment is resumed post op.
Rasayu Cancer Clinic’s View
Surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are largely applied therapies in oncology. They remove, invade a cell structure or a tumor to destroy the cells. There is natural mechanism within the human body to defend itself from such an assault. RCC believes the importance of tumor resection in such cases.
In such a scenario, treatment to cancer is to encourage natural death of the abnormally fast -growing cells and eliminate the process of fast multiplication of the deformed cells. This needs to be done without affecting the surrounding normal tissue environment. When treatment is addressed with this approach, there is likely to be no resistance from the body, there is least / no possible ADRs to the therapy and in fact they support the process of transformation started by the Rasayu therapy. The tendency to heal is inherent in the human body that needs to be sufficiently nurtured and supported by way of therapeutic approach. Therapies at Rasayu perform this function.
This approach by Ayurveda and Rasayan therapy being focussed on immunomodulatory mechanism fetches potential results in increasing overall survival along with better quality of life of cancer patients. Moreover, many patients have reported by PET scan that it has got tumor regression potential as well.