FAQs in English
Audio FAQ's in English
Audio FAQ’s in English 
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Is there a way to deal with Cancer in Ayurveda ?
Cancer, by that name is not found in Ayurveda. Many scholars correlate it to diseases mentioned in Ayurveda like Arbud, ,Granthi etc. We personally feel that none of this single entity encompasses the cancer of today. Care is needed in naming this disease. Ayurveda has clearly mentioned that every disease need not be named to treat it successfully, rather Ayurveda gives more importance to understanding the pathogenesis involved in the disease and start treatment to reverse the pathology. We have been following this prescribed approach in planning the treatment protocol for cancer patients.
According to Ayurveda principles, Dosh, Dhatu, Mal, Updhatu, Oja levels are ascertained and the changes they have undergone are understood. We can then plan a very successful management for all types of cancer patients. The way Ayurveda treats cancer patients is different from the conventional ways. Unlike the conventional science, Ayurveda does not have the same protocol for all the patients suffering from a similar cancer. Many factors are involved in the pathology of disease in a particular patient. In Ayurveda we take into consideration the above-mentioned factors along with the patient’s diagnosis and many more factors before we decide the protocol for the management. Therefore, it is aptly called as Chikitsa or Personalised Management.
What are the effects of Ayurvedic medicines taken along with allopathic medicines for Cancer ?
After allopathy treatments like Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy, a patient can use Ayurveda. There is no similarity in the actions of modern medicines and Ayurvedic medicines, so there is no adverse effect. It is also seen clinically and studies have shown that if Ayurvedic medicines are taken along with allopathic medicines then there are no drug interactions seen in fact, much better results are observed. A patient can use both allopathic and Ayurvedic medicines which can be beneficial to Cancer management.
Can Cancer be completely cured ?
Recovery depends on the stage and type of the disease. There are many types of cancer where patients have completely recovered. Not all cancers are dangerous There are numerous cancers where patients can recover completely, for example, seminoma. We all know that cricketer Yuvraj Singh suffered from seminoma and fully recovered. But cancers like ovarian, brain tumours, lung cancers when at advanced stage carry guarded prognosis. Cure is not the word used in cancer outcome. When a patient is operated and the cancer is surgically removed or treated with any therapy and it is not detectable on known technical parameters, then it is termed as “Remission”. Majority of patients who enter in remission are of earlier stages. Another challenge in cancer treatment is relapse or metastasis which leads to death of more than 90% of the cancer patients. The main challenge in cancer management is to prevent / delay the recurrence of cancer at local or distal sites. Ayurveda plays a vital role in keeping such patients in remission for longer duration. It may be from months to a few years, even in cases of aggressive cancers. On recurrence / metastatic cancers, main objective of the therapy is to bring the patient into remission and importantly with better quality of life (QOL).
If a patient turns to Ayurveda at an early stage, then chances of recovery stand good.
Is there any strict dietary restriction while taking Ayurvedic treatment ?
The diet is considered to be one of the strongest causes for any disease or for creating favourable environment for the disease. It is no different in terms of cancer. Ayurveda has prescribed dietary regimen in order to make an encouraging environment for healing the body and reverse the pathology. A wrong diet has a potential to create a pathology over a period of time; so long as the tissues do not show any weakness the body does not fall prey to an imminent pathology, however, when the body tissues are weakened over time trying to sustain its ill effects, then the body succumbs to it and a pathology is afflicted.
Advice of diet is mainly based on the type and the stage of cancer and it is very subjective. Therefore, dietary regime differs from person to person. These dietary restrictions are not for Ayurveda therapies but for preventing dietary support to the disease process. At Rasayu Cancer Clinic, the dietary regime offered is very easy and practical to follow.
How many days does it take to show results in Cancer patents with the treatment ?
Generally, tangible results can be seen anywhere in about two weeks from the start of the protocol. The results seen on the patient depends on the constitution and the type and stage of cancer. The introduction of Rasayana chikitsa has found to increase the speed of recovery in many patients. If the patient is on other conventional therapies, Rasayana therapy is found to help in managing adverse drug reactions of chemotherapy etc within around 2 weeks.
What is the methodology of having Rasayana medicines ?
What is the duration of Rasayana Treatment ?
The focus of Rasayana Treatment is on the Quality of Life and Overall Survival of Life. The duration of the treatments depends on many factors such as, the type of the cancer, the stage of cancer, the over all health of the patient, comorbidities, the ill effects of prior treatments taken for cancer and the determination of the patient to fight and survive.
Does Ayurvedic medicines have any adverse effects ?
The medicines in Ayurveda are mostly of herbal and mineral origin. Certain medicines have aquatic and animal origin. Medicines are manufactured at our cGMP facility strictly following the processes as stated in the texts with the help of advanced technology. QC and IPQC during manufacturing is critically observed and these medicines are in use since thousands of years. In spite of all this, Rasayu Cancer Clinic follows global safety management profile during the entire treatment period. These therapies have been consumed by thousands of cancer patients and generally no adverse effects of Ayurvedic medicines are observed.
How do we understand the benefits of the medicines on cancer patients ?
Benefits of Rasayan Therapy are numerous. Firstly, one should know what benefits it can give and its varied dimensions. It is generally spoken in oncology about the risk benefit and cost benefit ratios of any available therapy. Barring few stages and its subsequent available therapies many times these therapies result into severe toxicities leading to complications and early death or recurrent hospitalization to manage the side effects. Rasayana Therapy works on balancing the natural dynamic equilibrium and does not show the risk of such toxicity and subsequent hospitalization and even death. In advanced stage patients, it is frequently observed that Rasayana Therapy has been found to be favourable to achieve the patient’s objectives of Quality of Life and Overall Survival. This is measured on the basis of global benchmark.
Sometimes, stage of the cancer and the cost of its management is beyond the means of many patients. For such patients, Rasayana Therapy is found to be beneficial on the cost benefit ratio achieving the stated/ committed goals of the therapy.
The major benefit of Rasayana Therapy is to establish homeostasis / balancing the equilibrium. This approach plays a vital role in creating favourable environment to arrest disease process, helps delay in recurrence, progression of disease, protecting the body from long term effects, effects of the conventional therapy (if patients have already taken / taking along with), increase in overall survival with quality of life. In short, adding life to years!!
There is significant change in symptomatic levels that can prove the effectiveness of the medicines. We also follow the modern investigations and biochemical tests for assessing the efficacy of Rasayana treatment at regular intervals. For more details kindly visit the following link;
By taking medicines will my life span increase or only I will feel better ?
The life span largely depends on the type of cancer, the stage of cancer and comorbidities, besides the response the patient might give to the Rasayu protocol. If the patient has arrived at an advanced stage, then the prognosis is less hopeful however there is likely a remarkable improvement in quality of life.
Instead of undergoing Chemotherapy or Radiology, is it fine to take only Ayurvedic medicines ?
Decision making about the therapy to be opted solely depends on the patients/ care givers. Rasayu Cancer physicians helps patients / relatives to make the appropriate decisions. Here care is taken that no therapy is imposed on the patient. All possible options are discussed thoroughly and the best option is suggested even if it is other than Rasayan therapy. The main objective of Rasayu cancer Clinic is to give patient centric advice which will help in long term survival with good quality of life. Rasayu Cancer physicians evaluate the patient before such a decision is arrived at. If the tumor regression is more important at that point of time, the patient maybe advised to opt for Chemotherapy / Radiation Therapy. If the patient refuses any further chemo cycles, then their wishes are respected. The decision varies from case to case, and stage to stage of the cancer.
Can one take Ayurvedic medicines / Rasayana while undergoing Chemotherapy / Radiotherapy ?
As stated above, it is always a choice for patients. Rasayana’s approach is totally different than conventional therapies. It establishes the dynamic balance of vital forces governing the body and strengthen the dhatus by its immunomodulatory and other actions.
Our real-world evidence and PROs suggest the patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy, have found to show a better response along with Ayurvedic/ Rasayana medicines. The side effects of these therapies have been found to be significantly less. Rasayu Physicians have been informed by many patients the distinct difference in Chemotherapy/ Radiotherapy’s adverse drug reactions profile after starting Rasayu treatment. The Rasayan medicines do not affect the chemo medicines adversely while in fact help the body to accept the chemo with least resistance.
At what stage of Cancer does Ayurveda make significant benefit ?
Rasayu Cancer Clinic has all stages of cancer patients visiting frequently. Every patient is unique and hence the objective of Rasayana Therapy is highly subjective, depending on the stage of the cancer, nature of the cancer, earlier therapies taken, its outcome so far etc. Rasayu Cancer physicians try to analyse the disease process, the effects and side effects of the earlier therapies and plan for the best outcome, keeping the patient int the centre. In short- Ayurveda can be beneficial at all stages of cancer patients and assessment of the benefits are done on globally accepted parameters.
Ayurveda works at two levels; the cellular level and the organs level. Rasayan medicines work to balance between the two and heal the site. This helps to prohibit cancer cells from further multiplying and merge the existing cancer cells into the surrounding tissue as normal. Rasayana therapy post surgery is found helping to delay further relapse/ metastasis. At advance stage cancers, the quality of life is improved. The objective of the protocol largely decides the outcome.
Can we take any precautions so that other family members are affected by Cancer ?
Cancer appears to be hereditary in some cases, but in many cases it is not. Environmental issues like pollution and flawed lifestyle have been found to be some of the causes for cancer which are also found to be common among family members. They are then prone to a certain set of diseases. Using Rasayana as a preventive on a regular basis helps improve immunity and resists formation of any pathology. The rejuvenated cells help improve the mind and regain the physical ability. Rasayana on regular basis, panchakarma at respective seasons and Ayurveda driven lifestyle with balanced mind are vital elements to minimize cancer risk.
How to take Rasayana ?
Ayurveda recommends taking Rasayana as early as possible in the morning. The best time for taking Rasayana is about 90 minutes before sunrise along with honey. Before and after taking Rasayana, nothing should be consumed orally for half an hour. Rasayana is to be taken with honey since it helps better efficacy of Rasayana being “yogvahi” in nature.
How does the Rasayana works ?
Rasayana works on the cells and tissues (dhatus) in three different ways. Every cell has its life and it undergoes three phases that is, origin, maintenance and lysis. This is termed as natural cell cycle rhythm. Uncontrolled cellular growth without a proper function is called cancerous cells. They do not undergo the natural destruction that is expected. The work of Rasayana is to keep all the phases of cells in balance. It helps in bringing about the natural death of cells. Rasayana does not enforce death of any cells but it helps to control cell cycle rhythm. The most important work Rasayana does is that to create healthy cells and dhatus in the body. This is the most important work of Rasayana, which helps not letting the cancer to come back in the body.
Rasayana works on both the levels, that is body and mind. The way a body has resistance power similarly the mind also has a resistance power against disease. This is called as mental immunity.
Rasayana builds mentally immunity which in turn helps fighting the disease in a better manner.
Why do we to take complementary medicines along with Rsayana ?
Ayurveda believes not only cancer but any disease process involves multiple pathways in order to manage the equilibrium, multiple medicines and principles are applied.
While giving Rasayana Chikitsa, it is divided into 2 parts. One is for treating patients focussing on cancer pathology. This medicine is given only once in a day, to be taken in the morning along with honey, on an empty stomach. Other medicines work on the system (srotas) which bring about metabolic changes. The imbalances in the body are balanced and kept in check in the system and symptoms of disease are reduced by this group of medicines. Both the medicines, viz. Rasayana for cancer specific pathology and the other medicines are complimentary to each other.
Does Rasayana helps in preventing only Cancer ?
There is no proven medicine which can prevent cancer 100%. Rasayana medicines help to slow down the process of ageing. This helps to rebuild the cellular structures and keep them at optimum levels of energy. In this process undue multiplication of cells does not occur, and the patient finds himself in a very healthy position.
Rasayana Chikitsa is one among the eight principles of Ayurveda. In Rasayana chikitsa the medicine that destroys the ageing process and diseases is called Rasayana. The destroying of ageing process means keeping the youth alive in you. If we want to keep the youth alive in us then it is necessary that the medicine reaches to every cell in our body. It is told that cancer is a disease of cells. So the main work of Rasayana is to see how more & more cells will stay alive and powerful and how the diseased cells will be killed naturally by taking longevity and how new healthy cells will be formed which is called rejuvenation. This is the perspective aspect of Rasayana. Rasayana also plays an important part when a body is affected by disease. Those families who have a cancer history, for eg. If a Mother or Father has cancer, next to kin i.e. brother, sister, maternal aunty or paternal uncle is suffering from cancer then one should continuously take Rasayana. If a person does take Rasayana, then the chances of getting cancer are considerably reduced. This concept is told in Ayurveda. Many patients have also experienced this.
As stated, above majority of the diseases are being seen due to degenerative changes at cellular/ tissue level. Rasayana Chikitsa can be useful for all kinds of degenerative disorders. It has also been proven by latest research that ageing plays a vital role in cancer pathology and other diseases. Rasayana is found to be beneficial in other diseases like cirrhosis of liver, neurological degeneration, bone degeneration, kidney failure etc. To summarize, Rasayana is explained in Ayurveda not only to prevent cancer but any disease and helps leading normal healthy and long life.