If taken along with Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy it has been observed that Rasayana significantly helps patients to tolerate these therapies and considerably reduces the side effects.
We have conducted a series of scientific experiments which clearly demonstrated that Rasayana drug does not affect hepatic microsomal enzymes. It does not interfere in any way with efficacy of Chemotherapy.
We have innumerable cases who have had Chemotherapy along with Rasayana and has shown favourable tumor regression. Patients tolerate chemotherapy very well and are able to comfortably complete the entire prescribed course of Chemotherapy/Radiotherapy cycles without altering the dose and /or duration.
Rasayana Therapy helps these patients to improve their quality of life and help them control progression of disease and significantly increase overall survival.
Rasayana therapy has been serving cancer patients for the last 25 years and has developed specific treatment protocols for over 25 types of cancer. The treatment protocols are specific for specific stages of each cancer type.