One of the most important therapeutic benefit is improvement in quality of life of the cancer patients. Recently, quality of life of a cancer patient is given utmost importance globally in cancer management.
We have documented changes in quality of life of more than 4000 cancer patients using authenticated quality of life questionnaire. The questionnaire is derived from FACT G, a international norm for assessing quality of life. It is clearly demonstrated that Rasayana significantly improves functional, emotional and physical domains of quality of life.
This outcome is considered significant in advanced stage cancer patients where curative goal is not feasible. Rasayana helps such patients to lead a near normal quality of life without any unwanted side effects or toxicity. Most importantly, Rasayana can be taken at home which reduces requirement of hospitalization.
Quality of life (QOL) in advanced cancers is one of the greatest challenges in cancer treatment. Our treatment provides a remarkably improved quality of life not withstanding the late stage.
Elderly patients also face a similar challenge in terms of their quality of life. Here too, our treatments help them have to have a far peaceful quality of life. Quality of Life benchmarks are regularly monitored on the basis of global standards.