Safety & Tolerability

Rasayana as a Complimentary Therapy

If taken along with Chemotherapy/Radiotherapy it has been observed that Rasayana significantly helps patients to tolerate these treatments with lesser side effects.

If taken along with Chemotherapy/Radiotherapy it has been observed that Rasayana significantly helps patients to tolerate these treatments with lesser side effects.

We have conducted a series of scientific studies which clearly demonstrated that Rasayana medicines do not interfere in any way with efficacy of Chemotherapy. We have innumerable cases who have taken Chemotherapy along with Rasayana and have shown very favourable tumor response. Equally important is that these patients tolerated Chemotherapy/Radiotherapy very well and were able to comfortably complete the entire prescribed course of Chemotherapy/Radiotherapy cycles without requiring to modify the dose and /or duration. Rasayana Therapy also helped these patients to improve the quality of life and control progression of disease as well as increase overall survival very significantly. Rasayana acts synergistically with Chemotherapy/Radiotherapy and improves the treatment outcomes. Almost 60% of our patients take Rasayana along with Chemotherapy/Radiotherapy and show very favourable response.

Quality Medicines

Personalised Medicines

When a patient is refractory to Conventional therapies, Rasayana can be considered as the one and only mainline therapy.  In this case the focus of Rasayana Therapy is improving patient’s quality of life and at the same time increasing patient’s overall survival. This has been demonstrated by hundreds of success stories at Rasayu Cancer Clinic which clearly demonstrated that Rasayana can be the potential therapy in all such advanced stage refractory cancer patients.
