Rasayanas are a unique set of medicines that are conceived in Rasa shastra. The rasa kalpas are based on the same principles as stated in the Arsha Granthas (like Charak, Sushrut etc) and further developed by Dr Yogesh Bendale. The Rasa Shastra has stated many rasa kalpas based on the diseases as described in the nidan sthan or the pathology treatise in the granthas. However, in today’s day, the expression of the pathology has evolved. The changes in lifestyle and emotional structure of mankind are seen at the root of the rampant cancer and other disease manifestations. The cells undergo the process of birth – existence – death as a regular phenomenon driven by Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh respectively – utpatti – sthiti – laya. In the modern- day context, it is based on the cell cycle rhythm. In cancer, the cell cycle rhythm is disturbed and therefore the cells tend to react erratically to create cancer like structures. Establishing this dynamic equilibrium is not controlled by any singular mechanism but, in fact, multiple immune pathogens are involved. This is the primary reason Ayurveda (Rasayana) therapy focusses on multiple pathways simultaneously to re-establish the normal cell cycle rhythm. This helps in an increase in overall survival along with quality of life. Additionally, it helps reduce the risk of resistance / disease progression. Rasayanas do not kill cells as the chemo drugs do, but restore their rhythm of life so that they coexist well with the surrounding tissue. They help restore the right rhythm that is so important to reverse the cancer cell multiplication tendency. Antibiotics kill the bacteria, but they also destroy the good bacteria. This may lead to side effects and may give rise to other diseases. Similarly, cytotoxic therapies kill the cancerous cells and also adversely affects the surrounding protective cells of the tissues. It is now understood that cancer cells are prevalent across the body right since the birth, but how come they are not causing cancer? This is because there is a protecting mechanism that is controlled by the protecting cells. It does not allow a full blown tumor to manifest. In the process of cytotoxic treatment, the protective cells are also destroyed. Cell biologists have found the heterogenous structure of every tumour and that has multiple types of cells. This heterogeneity itself becomes the challenge for monotherapies/ limited pathogens focussed treatments.
Can that be justified when there are a variety of cell types involved? A single drug acting on the entire variety? RCC innovated potential Rasayana Therapy focus on restoring the distorted cell cycle rhythm and help restoring life cycle of all cells, qualitatively and quantitatively too. The solution can only be seen in not killing the cells but to restore them to normal structure and merge with the rest.